Stringbean Coffees newest Special Reserve takes your coffee mug to the Finca El Guamo farm in El Salvador. This little peaberry’ish bean is honey processed meaning part of the fruit is left on the bean and dried for 10-14 days. The 70 Hectare farm is owned by 4th generation coffee producers, Fernando Alfara and Jose Enrique Gutierrez in El Salvador.

We roasted this to medium with lighter caramelization. The coffee is naturally sweet and very smooth, heavier body, we are able to pick up dark chocolate and cherry notes as it cooled. The El Salvador Honey Micro Lot made a nice espresso and did wonderful as a French Press. As the coffee cooled it continued to evolve with a subtle sweetness.

This Special Reserve debuted at the Maplewood Coffee Crawl and will be available both online and at the Washington University School of Medicine Farmers Market on Thursdays from 10-2.